Sunday, 10 January 2016

Beetroot bounty

Beetroot, ripe for picking
It's summer and beetroot is booming in our humble garden. If you have only ever eaten shop-bought tin beetroot, I'm afraid you are missing out on the delicious flavour of real, homegrown delights.
This purple gem, grows like a weed and is easy to cook and versatile to use.
A friend visited the other night, and I offered her some beets to take home. She had never prepared them straight from the garden so I thought I would share my simple version of cooking beetroot.

  • I pick the beets when they are about the size of a tennis ball, they are sweet and tender, if on the smaller side.
    Ready for picking
  • I cut the leaves, leaving some stalk on the beets ( I feed  leaves to the chickens or you could compost) the new leaves are also sweet and taste great in a garden salad.
  • I roughly wash the beets and place then in a pot of cold water (enough to cover them all) and add a generous splash or two of vinegar (amount depends on volume of water) .
  • Bring to the boil and simmer until beets are soft (use a skewer to test)
  • Once ready, cool with fresh cold water or simply leave in pot until they are cold.
  • I use disposable gloves, but if I don't have any, I use a freezer bag or plastic bag as they will work just as well. These are used to protect your hands from turning purple! 
  • Drain the water from the pot, grab a beet and wipe the skin away, including the stalk.
  •  It will fall off and leave you with a silky smooth finish, rinse and eat!
  • Keep them in an airtight container in the fridge.
    Fresh as it gets - yum!

    Try it, you cannot go wrong.

    Ready to dice and add to my salad

1 comment:

  1. Hi Natasha because I am so lazy I just grated them fresh. Delicious.
