Sunday, 15 May 2016

Could we be cursed?

Recently, my friend suggested that the farm may be cursed. Off course you scoff at such ideas initially, but I must admit,as the tally of 'bad luck events' keep increasing, I am beginning to wonder.

My mother in her prime
 My adoptive mother hailed from Argentina, South America, and was well indoctrinated into the spiritual world often claiming to be able to 'see things' and perform other healing rituals.
I recall one of the many seances, this one held with a group of my teenage friends (which upon reflection  was a very rare occurrence, as I didn't bring friends home often). The event was memorable resulting with girls squealing as strange psychic events manifested.
Kiwi and Bek as they should be
My mother was a volatile woman who's temper could go from zero to ten in half a second. At times, the whole psychic deal was overwhelming and at generally a little scary, especially as the language was a strange mix of Spanish and something else.... not sure what.

So the question remains - could she have cursed the farm? Maybe......

Recent disasters involving personal injury on the farm are worrying. Daryl and Bek have had their fair share of bad luck and bruises. So far, I am reasonably unscathed.
As I write this I am still sitting in the emergency room at Sale Hospital awaiting results of x-rays and ultrasound after Kiwi and Bek parted ways this morning. The big boy bucked Bek off her saddle and into the air before she slammed to the ground. Her scream was heard some 300 metres away where I was unloading timber railings with Carol. In my distress I tried to run to Bek but I failed miserably and thankfully Carol was close behind me in the ute. Fear gripping my gut, we drive to Bek finding her on the ground tears rolling and clearly in pain. Kiwi was contentedly chomping grass a few metres away.
Great team to transport  and treat Bek
Today did not play out as planned and I wonder is  this another sign of invisible forces working against us.
Bek is finally sleeping after the painkillers kicked in; the poor girl is braced at her neck and the sweat, dirt and mascara are streaked on her face. even as she sleeps she is not restful today. Her forehead creases in pain and she wakes frequently.
Despite setbacks at Rivergum we continue to work hard and plan for improvements. The fence posts are all ready to go after the final pieces of rusty wire were taken away.
Front boundary fence posts
We are very excited to finally have fences, well posts at least, wire will follow shortly. The calves are also separated and they are unable to get through 9kv of  current to their cranky mothers. Sadly the loss of one of our new born calves (the same one the mumma cow trampled in her efforts to attack Daryl) reminds us how quickly good things can turn sour. On the shiny side of life we have five gorgeous calves who can't help but make you smile when you see them frolicking in the paddock.
West boundary posts
A worming opportunity
Meanwhile, Bek is laying flat on the hospital  bed hooked up to all manner of wire and tubes . She is unable to move her head at all and the ceiling is not very inspiring - she is hurting, frustrated and bored - like me :)

While we languish in ER, Daryl and our farmer trainees have been busily working at home. A bbq lunch, in the picturesque surrounds of the bush, was a highlight of the day. I'm sorry we missed it, Bek and I were looking forward to it.

However, before the 'fall' Daryl and I were excited to give Carol and Zac a gift and presented them with a pair of  'his and hers' yellow bolt cutters.

Oh, the things we do!!

The cutters were one of a few bargains we found at the clearing sale, however we took the trailer home empty this time. The remainder of the weekend was taken up with groceries and lung function tests for my father. I'm not sure if you have ever had to do one, let alone get an elderly man who is deaf and has dementia to do it, but I tell you the challenge is significant. We took him out for coffee an cake after the appointment, lovely idea, except he lost us after going to the gents room. Lucky he shuffles and we can catch him quickly.

So we have been at the hospital for some seven hours and it has been decided Bek will stay overnight for further observations and more test tomorrow. On the bright side x-rays reveal no breaks. She is not excited about the overnight stay but I am so relieved the injuries are not more serious.

I know she will be battered and bruised for a periods of time but she will heal and she is whole.

We are blessed.

Lunch with an audience

Keep safe.

Until next time,


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