Tuesday, 7 June 2016


Life at Rivergum is not always about pasture, produce and paddocks. Some days it is consumed by our offspring.

I have three daughters.

I am blessed. I am also stressed. My three girls are never far from my thoughts or worries. There is roughly five years between each of them and if I combine their personalities, they remind me of a younger me. Which is a good reason to be concerned.

Recently my three girls caused my ageing heart to beat a little faster.

Daughter number 1 announced we were going to be grandparents for a second time and if that was not enough of a surprise, she is half way though the process - 20 weeks -no idea- unbelievable. Shock, Joy, OMG let's get organised - baby on its way!!
Daughter number 2 - Blows up her little car - this is bad, but not so bad when you compare it to crashing her grandfather's little car a few weeks later; now car-less (we have run out of little cars) she tops it all off with the breakdown of her washing machine... she is thankfully  physically recovered but no doubt a little frustrated (especially when it keeps raining and she has to walk everywhere.)

Daughter number 3 - Following her hospital stay, shocked us all by deciding she would like to spend a year in Italy in 2017 - 365 days away from me, not just up the road but 14,373km away - come รจ successo? (How did this happen?)
Now the plans are gaining momentum and in a few heartbeats I will be standing at Tullamarine airport whirling in a world of worries as my baby heads off on the adventure of a lifetime.

I'm not fussed how many 'gender gurus' sprout about no difference with boys and girls, I will disagree with them. They are different and I am thankful for that. We should not be striving to make everything the same - difference and diversity bring colour to the world and I am glad while my girls have similar traits, similar looks and similar styles they are unique in every way and (thankfully) very different to their brothers. 

Life, as new farmers, brings challenges all of its own and when you add a couple of jobs, multiple responsibilities, large extended family and 8 kids (you know the adult kids), daughters-in-law and a granddaughter  - days can get crazy busy. 


The farm never completely lets you go, it demands your attention,whether you are present or absent and we are learning to juggle competing priorities, sometimes simultaneously, day by day.

Crazy or calm we are indeed blessed. 

Til next time

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